Often times you´ll find problems storing all belongings on your belt in an adequate way. The ring holder is a neat little helper, its the bridge between the belt and the parts you are looking to store away.
Camp utensils like hammer or hatchets will find their way into the steel ring. Axes and maces can be put easily and are at hand when needed. Use leather strings or belt holders (not included in this offer) to store away even more necessaries on your belt.
The \\"Samuel\\" ring holder is a little smaller and cut in a trapeziform. It seems fragile, but holds a wide belt slit in the back to be stabile enough for larger, heavier weapons slipped in it. Use it for lighter equipment, such as daggers, or for heavier pieces, such as hammers, maces or axes.
- Material: split leather
- Length: 8cm
- Width: 9cm/4cm
- Weight: 64gr